The Buzz

Student Newspaper

The Buzz is the official, student-run newspaper of St. Ambrose University and governed by the SAU Publications Board. The Buzz is printed by Trico Communications, Davenport, and funded by student activity fees and advertising revenue.

The newspaper publishes 5-7 issues per semester and cover a variety of topics including campus news and events, sports, and feature stories. Staff meetings are typically every Monday at 11 a.m., although meeting times are subject to change.

There are several opportunities for all students – regardless of major – to gain experience in writing, layout, editing, and photography.

The Buzz fulfills the COMM 332 Print News Practicum course requirement for multimedia journalism majors and minors and would also satisfy non-major electives for all students. You can take up to six credits total while working on the paper.

Check out some of our past articles and stories at or email us.

'The Buzz' Online Multimedia Journalism Program

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